Onye isi ala Bola Ahmed Tinubu ewegharila mahadum Federal Education na Kano ka ọ bụrụ Yusuf Maitama Sule Federal University of Education.
Federal University of Education, Kano, bụ otu n’ime mahadum asaa pụrụ iche nke agụmakwụkwọ n’okpuru ọchịchị etiti. Onye isi ala ahụ kwuru na Yusuf Maitama Sule Federal University of Education ga-aga n’ihu na-arụ ọrụ dị mkpa n’ịzụ ndị nkuzi, na-eme ka ngalaba agụmakwụkwọ Nigeria sie ike.
E mere ka a mara aha ụlọ akwụkwọ mahadum Federal University of Education n’ụbọchị Mọnde n’akwụkwọ ozi onye ọnụ na-ekwuchitere onyeisiala bụ Maazị Bayo Onanuga wepụtara.
Mazị Onanuga kwuru na Onye isi ala Tinubu kwenyere na ịnwụ anwụ nke onye nnọchi anya Sule ga-eme ka ndị ọgbọ na-eto eto kwado iguzosi ike n’ezi ihe, ịhụ mba n’anya, àgwà, na ịhụ mba n’anya.
Ambassador Sule, onye jere ozi dị ka onyeisi oche nke UN Special Committee Against Apartheid na Nigeria’s Permanent Representative na United Nations na New York, a mụrụ na 1929 wee gafee 2017. O nyere aka nke ukwuu na mmepe mmekọrịta ọha na eze Naijiria n’oge ọrụ ya dị ebube.
Yusuf Maitama Sule rụkwara ọrụ dịka Chief Whip of the Federal House of representatives (1954–1959), Leader of Nigeria’s Delegation to the Conference of Independent States (1960), First Federal Commissioner of Public Complaints (1976), na Minister of Mines and Power
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